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CNET también está disponible en español, Don't show this again, If things continue to go well in the labs and upcoming trials at MCI Communications, for example, Junipercould reap a windfall from use of its technology in bookworm iphone case the highest trafficpoints within the very high performance backbone network service, or VBNS,that MCI has rolled out to interconnect government super computers touniversities for the National ScienceFoundation, Juniper devices could also find their way into the MCI public Net backbone,according to Rick Wilder, director of advanced engineering atthe telecommunications service provider, If, that is, the four current systemsthe carrier has purchased continue to perform as they have so far..

Juniper's product, which costs $55,000 for a basic configuration, was cloaked in secrecy until earlier this year, when the firm disclosed itssoftware plans in advanceof final delivery of its entire package--a routing device that is expectedto compete with the likes of CiscoSystems and Lucent Technologies,among the reigning multibillion dollar networking giants in the industry. Though it remains unclear how popular Juniper's technology will be withcustomers that have long-standing relationships with entrenchedcompetitors, the start-up does have a lead on a slew of other embryonicfirms seeking to gain a foothold within Internet service providersthrough sales of high-end equipment.

But, as an example, MCI also continues to test high-end 12000 seriesrouters from Cisco and alternatives from Lucent, and has maintaineddiscussions with other start-ups such as Avici Systems and Argon Networks, according to Wilder,leaving the competition wide open for sacred positioning within MCI's network, But Juniper executives confirmed that the combination of hardware andsoftware, called the M40, is shipping in full production and available forcustomers to buy, a distinction that is not always the case in the slipperyslope of disclosure within bookworm iphone case the high-tech industry, ""People can buy theproduct for production use," said Joe Fergerson, director of marketing forJuniper..

And that has caught the eye of Wilder, who termed release of the system"well-timed" for MCI's immediate needs. Juniper believes the keys to its offering are three specializedchips--referred to as application specific integrated circuits, orASIC's--that interact with its Junos network operating system to performspecific tasks, such as speedy packet forwarding and routing look-ups.Computing giant IBM aided Juniper's chipdevelopment and was one of several companies that have hopped on the company'sbandwagon.

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