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It used to be so simple: You wanted phone service, you called on Ma Bell. Now the profound changes sweeping the telecommunications industrysignal a new age driven by digital services, the Net, and a belief that thecompetitive playing field has been leveled. Who would have thought this would be heard from AT&T: "We have a verystrong belief in the power of the Internet and the powerof IP-based services," said Sanford Brown, director of business strategyfor the telco's Internet Services. "It's a very natural extension of whatwe do.".
AT&T, for one, believes that opportunities will make up for changes in thetraditional cost structure for voice communications, sure to becannibalized by cheaper data-based transmission means based on IP, Everyone is making moves for what is likely to be a cutthroat price warbetween the traditional carriers and upstarts that are either providingbandwidth for third parties to market or entering the long distancebusiness themselves, This environment is likely to lead to more mergers in the telecom cfx case for apple iphone 7 plus and 8 plus - white/red sector; Sprint has been mentioned as a likely player, despite nearly $15 billion in revenue this past year, However, the Federal Communications Commission has warned theindustry that more consolidation could hurt competition..
Waiting in the wings is a new breed of network service providers free from the legacy of older voice-based circuit networks. Qwest Communications and Level 3 Communications, among others, arereadying high-speed fiber layouts based largely on IP to battle the likes of MCI WorldCom and AT&T. "The power of a Qwest or a Level 3--those muscles have not been flexed yetin terms of the disruptive pricing they are capable of," RenaissanceWorldwide's Bruneau noted. From one standpoint, the one-stop-shop is a good idea for the Big Three because it will shield large firms from financial liability if one market goes south. But an unintended consequence of their recent flurry of mergers is a rapidly dropping price structure for long distance because of increased competition.
As a result, what was formerly counted on as a cash cow is now highly dependent on volume and so-called customer churn so that rates of 7 or 8 cents per cfx case for apple iphone 7 plus and 8 plus - white/red minute can reap a profit, On the technology side, some industry analysts believe that the accelerated construction of high-capacity pipelines may speed the digital transition from voice to video, "In the next century, we'll be moving from telephony to imagery," Joseph Nacchio, chief executive at Qwest, predicted recently, "We're facing a bandwidth future unfettered by historical scarcity."..
That bandwidth also will likely precipitate a boom in alternative formsof commerce, such as those wrought by the Web. "We're on the cusp oftransitioning from how to why," Bruneau noted. The players in the chameleon-like telecommunications industry can only hopethe answer to that question will continue to fill their pipes.'s Jeff Pelline contributed to this report. What were once layouts for phone service are quickly becoming transports for voice, video, and data traffic. The industry, however, greeted the news with a collective yawn.
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