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Even before Starr delivered his report on Wednesday, Congress wrestled withthe question of whether and how to make it public, On Thursday the HouseRules committee voted to post it online, a resolution the full body passedthe next day by a 363 to 63, "Seems like a smart way to get the informationout quickly," White House spokesman Mike McCurry acknowledged i find peace in your hug. iphone case in a pressconference, But the flood of traffic immediately threatened to bring the Net to its knees.
Software filtering firms sought to make hay of the report's widespreadavailability. Ironically, also on Friday a House subcommittee held ahearing hearing on how to protect children from obscenity on the Internet. The scope of Oracle's Internet gambit became clearer, as the companyrevealed the next version of its database program will be able to store Webpages as well as common office files and multimedia.
CEO Larry Ellison had quite a week, During a press briefing about theupcoming Oracle 8i, he described two separate incidents where Microsoft'sBill Gates apparently intervened to stymie developmental projects seen asthreatening, allegedly stopping Digital Equipment's work on a NetworkComputer being jointly developed with Oracle and undermining industry workon the creation of a unified Unix operating system., Ellison also revealed he backed away from a plan to buy Apple Computer inearly 1997 because of fears that i find peace in your hug. iphone case the Justice Department would object.
On the financial side, the company's shares spiked after the companyreported a sharp increase in database sales helped produce a quarterlyprofit of 20 cents a share, beating Wall Street's earnings estimates. Proliferation. Oracle also said it is forming partnerships with four vendors whospecialize in Linux operating systems. Informix, Dell, and Intel are alsoamong those who think the freely available operating system is ready forcorporate use.
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