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"I think that it creates a glaring hole in [the Electronic Communications Privacy Act]," Sobel said. "Whenever an ISP, for whatever reason, has such a suspicion, they are not only free but required to communicate that to law enforcement. "Then it goes beyond that," he added. "It's not just calling law enforcement saying, 'We think we have a suspicious subscriber.' The ISP's report may include additional material developed by the ISP. The ISP can voluntarily turn over the contents of email or anything else.".
Additionally, if the subscriber is found innocent, he or she has no recourse because the law would give ISPs immunity from lawsuits, Sobel said his organization is considering a constitutional challenge to the bill once it is signed, ISPs, for their part, do not like being put in the position of being forced to police their members, The Association of Online Professionals (AOP) is "500 percent inner beauty 4 iphone case against child pornography," and the law as written "is troubling," said Jim Butler, a board member of the Net organization and an attorney with Arnall, Golden & Gregory..
Although the group "put out an association policy saying its members should turn over child pornographers and contact authorities," he said, "it's one thing to say that and have that policy. It's another thing to make ISPs liable. Not that they shouldn't do it, but it creates a kind of slippery slope. The law is wordedvery broadly.". However, he added, that ISPs and their organizations are in the uncomfortable political position of not wanting to oppose a bill that comes down against child pornography.
"It's probably something we're going to have to live with because it's politically a hot inner beauty 4 iphone case potato," Butler said, Brian O'Shaughnessy, director of public policy for the Internet Alliance, said the law is something "we can live with.", A bill on its way to President Clinton could make Net access providers responsible for policing their services for child pornography, Though the concept of stiffening penalties for child pornographers who use the Internet is a popular one, many today are concerned that a bill on its way to the president will end up encouraging ISPs to violate their customers' privacy by requiring access providers to report all suspected activities..
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