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According to a report released today, job cuts in the tech sector increasedtwo-fold in Silicon Valley in 1998. Turmoil abroad is the main culprit. CNET Radio: Online three times daily at 8 a.m., 11 a.m., and 2 p.m. For up to the minute headlines, go to: TODAY'S FEATURED STORIES. Join for ongoing coverage of the Y2K saga
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TODAY ON CNET COMPUTERS.COM: 56K GETS A STANDARDIt's always a pleasure to see one solid standard emerge from computingchaos. And it's finally happened with 56k modems; the V.90 protocol has wonthe battle of the modem standards, and from now on we can all rest easyknowing that whatever modem we buy, it will be compatible with whatever ISPwe're using. But which one to buy? Consult our review of 16 V.90-compliant56k modems. You'll find this and more at CNET, the ultimateresource for hardware shoppers. Check it out:
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