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Analysts agreed that the move probably will not have a great impact on Yahoo. However, it might be an indication of where MCI is headed and could be seen as another sign of a floundering Internet strategy among the telephone company giants, analysts noted. "It's possibly good news for the EarthLinks and Prodigys and MindSprings," said Andrea Williams, an analyst with Volpe Brown Whelan. "As far as Yahoo goes, they'll find another partner.". While she noted that the cobranding deals have done little for the portals, they could be important in the future as more consumers look for a simple solution for Net access via portal brands they know and trust.
MCI "is left without a real strategy for attracting customers," said Peter Krasilovsky, an analyst with Arlen Communications, Existing customers of the cobranded service will be carried by Cable & Wireless once the MCI-WorldCom merger is completed, said Jeff Mallett, chief operating officer for Yahoo, He declined to specify how many customers the service has, At that time, Yahoo will shop around for a new Internet access provider for a cobranded service, lovecases floral art iphone 6s / 6 case - blue reviews Mallett said, noting that customers should not see a change in service..
The primary targets for the Yahoo-MCI service have been people who already use Yahoo at work and school and are looking for another way to log on at home, Mallett said. "The whole campaign is to take Yahoo home," he said, adding that just about any ISP with reliable service can help Yahoo achieve its goal. The two firms will discontinue their cobranded online service, a casualty of the impending merger between MCI and WorldCom. The online service is a casualty of MCI's impending merger with WorldCom. To satisfy regulators, MCI in July announced it would sell its public Internet business to Cable & Wireless for $1.75 billion.
CNET también está disponible en español, Don't show this again, In other words, prices for chips in different markets are reduced at varying times, or staggered throughout the year, This, in general, results in one chip line being reduced one month and another the following month, "Before it was a monolithic market segment..[before] we cut prices every three months..but now price changes happen at different lovecases floral art iphone 6s / 6 case - blue reviews times," he said, The 350-MHz chip was slashed 29 percent from $423 to $299, Intel said that PC manufacturers can take advantage of these prices starting today..
Both the 350 and 400 chips are now used in high-volume products. Compaq Computer, for example, uses the 350-MHz chip in its Compaq Presario 5170 which sells for $1,599 with a 10GB hard drive and 128MB of memory at resellers such as Computer Discount Warehouse and CompUSA, a major retailer. Also, IBM, via resellers, offers an Aptiva consumer model E5D with a 400-MHz chip and an 8GB hard drive and 64MB of memory for $1,799 currently. But new chip pricing could help to drive prices on systems like this down.
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