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CNET también está disponible en español, Don't lovecases floral art iphone x case - maroon show this again, "My sense is that this business is still in its infancy, and Washington is generally smart enough to know to let budding industries find their ground," said Theodore Henderson, an analyst at Janco Partners, "Regulatory impact will be a part of these Internet stories moving forward.", In spite of the rosy predictions, @Home's stock was down 3.52 percent today, or 1.19, at 32.5, The stock fell 4.62 percent yesterday and has traded as high as 57.25 and as low as 18 over the last 52 weeks..
Cable rate regulations were introduced because of the strong grip individual cable companies had in certain markets. "If you wanted 50 channels, you had one cable company in a city," added Henderson. "If you didn't like its rates, you could always have your rabbit-eared TV.". At the present time, there are severals ways to get on the Internet, including wireless connections, dial-up access, and cable modems. "There is enough competition out here and competition will drive the rates to what they should be," noted Henderson. "Ultimately, this will impact [cable access company] stocks, but I don't think there will be any short-term effect on shares of @Home.".
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