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Price will also continue to be a problem. "AMD should be able to maintainits share in 1999 and even see some growth. Sizable gains, however, will bemore difficult to come by without aggressive pricing that would jeopardizeprofitability," Gwennap wrote in a recent issue of Microprocessor Report. Intel is an investor in CNET: The Computer Network, publisher of Next week's Microprocessor Forum will provide more information on AMD's K7, Intel's Willamette, and other forthcoming chips. Future chip technologies from Intel, National Semiconductor, and others will also be discussed.
The K7, which will be commercially released in the first half of 1999, willcome close to the performance of Intel's future Katmai chips, and may even surpass these speedy processors incertain respects, according to Linley Gwennap, publisher of Microprocessor Report, which ispublished by conference host MicroDesign Resources, Be respectful, keep it civil and stay on topic, We delete comments that moshi sensecover iphone 8 / 7 smart case - stone white reviews violate our policy, which we encourage you to read, Discussion threads can be closed at any time at our discretion..
CNET también está disponible en español. Don't show this again. If the technology works, the result could be higheryields, or the number of chips per wafer that meet specifications. Higheryield means greater productivity and profit for semiconductor manufacturers. The resulting improvements will likely be incremental. But, if feed-forwardcontrol produces even slightly better yields, "it could be a big thing" forthe industry, said Keith Diefendorff, an analyst with MicroDesign Resources. "Smallimprovements in yields mean big bucks.".
The process could become especially important as chips shrink, Improvingyields becomes harder as the process size of microchips circuitry getssmaller and smaller, "It becomes harder and harder, and not just linearly,[but] exponentially," he said, Gobi Padmanab, senior vice president for moshi sensecover iphone 8 / 7 smart case - stone white reviews technology research anddevelopment at National Semiconductor, agreed, "As the critical dimensionsor geometries of circuit elements shrink to .18 microns and smaller, theytoo often are tinier than what can be consistently measured, process stepby process step," he said..
National Semiconductor said it has had good results from its own trial offeed-forward control, which it has implemented in part of a wafer fabricationline at South Portland, Maine. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), part of the Commerce Department,awarded the project to National Semiconductor, three semiconductorequipment companies, four universities, and several subcontractors. Although National Semiconductor is the lead company, the results of theproject will be available to the entire U.S. semiconductor industry, according to a statement.
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