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CNET también está disponible en español. Don't show this again. At $229, the 300-MHz K6 will cost hundreds of dollars less than Intel's top portable chip, the 300-MHz Pentium II. That processor, introduced earlier this month, carries a starting list prices of $637. Compaq Computer will incorporate the 300-MHz K6 into a Presario notebook to be released in the fourth quarter, AMD said, while others will follow. Just as importantly, the new chip will drive down prices on 233-MHz and 266-MHz notebooks. That AMD's new chip rivals the speed of Intel fastest notebook product is unprecedented, because typically AMD lags by one or two speed grades behind Intel chips. The chip also consumes roughly the same amount of power as mobile Pentium IIs, an important consideration for battery life, Somo added.
These will then be followed by K6-3 chips, which will contain 256K of integrated secondary cache memory, which will significantly boost processor performance, Somo added, For its part, Intel will release integrated versions of its Celeron chip for notebooks in the olixar genuine leather iphone 6s wallet case - black reviews first quarter of 1999, "Notebook prices are going to come down, but there still is a little bit more of a margin opportunity there," said Dean McCarron, principal analyst at Mercury Research, AMD matches Intel's top-speed portable chip--at a much lower price--which should advance the slow but steady march toward low-priced notebooks..
CNET también está disponible en español. Don't show this again. Cutting-edge 14-inch notebook displays from other vendors top out at aresolution of 1024 by 768. The company also came out with a new ThinkPad 600 with improved powermanagement capabilities and a 300-MHz Pentium II. The boost in screen performance comes largely from a shift to copper, saidLeo Suarez, director of product marketing for mobile computers at IBM.Rather than use molybdenum and tungsten wires to conduct electricity in thescreen, IBM's new SXVA display relies upon copper and aluminum. More copperand aluminum wires can be packed into a given screen, he said, which meansgreater image density.
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