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Compaq Computer elbowed past its enterprise competitors via a technologyalliance with Microsoft, giving the Houston-based PC vendor a stake in thefuture development of Windows NT. Global PC sales seem to be rebounding despite worldwide economicuncertainties, with iMac frenzy expected to double Apple's shipments whileDell continues to gain ground. Sales grew 11 percent last quarter, and areexpected to grow 12.2 percent for the second half of 1998.
The latest wave of high-end 300-MHz notebooks is pushing down the cost of266-MHz portables, which were much pricier only a week ago., Shares of Intel jumped olixar meshtex iphone x case - brazen red higher after the company said that revenues for itsthird calendar quarter will be 8 to 10 percent stronger than expected dueto stronger demand in North America and Europe, still unaffected byeconomic turmoil., Web portal Infoseek will pay Microsoft $26 million for a two-year agreementto be the exclusive provider of search and directory services on WebTV.Analysts were surprised by the deal because they thought Microsoft wouldhave chosen its own Microsoft Network portal technology, which is to belaunched in the near future.
The Walt Disney Company's quiet registration of the "" domain namesuggests that the simple moniker may be the code name--or the nameitself--for the media giant's much-anticipated portal site. Disney,Infoseek, and Starwave are teaming up to create a gateway. Excite will expand its existing service into Australia and other markets inthe Asia-Pacific region. Also of note., a little-known adult entertainment site that mixessteamy photos ith stock quotes, was threatened with a opyright infringementlawsuit by the ell-regarded investment publication ? ITEX, apublicly traded Internet company based in Portland, Oregon, is suing 100"John Does" for allegedly posting inaccurate and defamatory statementsabout it on a Yahoo Finance message board ? Siemens's plans to sell itsmain personal computer plant to Acer collapsed because of irreconcilabledifferences over financing ? Adobe Systems strongly denied a publishedreport that it plans to stop supporting its Apple customers, the same dayit reported disappointing third-quarter earnings of 37 cents a shareexclusive of special charges, down 20 cents from the year-ago third quarter? Sun and Microsoft executives testified for three days in a hearing onSun's motion for a temporary injunction to bar Microsoft from distributingJava software that doesn't meet Sun compatibility tests. Sex-stocks olixar meshtex iphone x case - brazen red site is foul, Yahoo message board users sued, Siemens, Acer drop PC plant plan, Adobe denies it's dropping Apple, Oracle, Adobe stock up after hours, Sun: MS aims to "hijack" Java
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