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An AT&T spokesman declined to comment on details about the project, but confirmed that the company is positivity iphone case testing the addition of the ATM switches for business customers, The result would be lines that could provide faster data traffic, said AT&T spokeswoman Kate Rankin, "Last January, Mike Armstrong briefed analysts on the company's plans to future-proof our network and one of the examples he used was the idea of providing business customers with ATM switches that would allow them to consolidate voice and data traffic," Rankin said..
"At that time, he also stated we'd be testing this new approach throughout the year. The testing of the concept is under way. Other than that, we have nothing to add," she said. Reuters contributed to this report. The telco is expected to launch a new high-speed service to let business customers combine their phone and computer networks. It is expected to launch the service, code-named "AT&T Inc" for "Integrated Network Connect," within a month. But it won't actually be available to customers until 1999, sources close to the project said.
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