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Intergraph, for instance, alleged that it had to delay a workstation because of Intel's retaliatory termination of a nondisclosure agreement and suffered continued product delays because of Intel's actions. Intel began to provide information under nondisclosureagreements after an Alabama court ordered the company to earlier this year. Intergraph has a separate lawsuit covering many of the same issues in aseparate, private lawsuit in the United States District Court in Alabama. For its part, Intel does not dispute the factual substance of theallegations. The company admits it pulled the nondisclosure agreements, for example. However, it maintains that it has the legal right to do so. Intel chief executive Craig Barrett has characterized the case as areasonable disagreement.
Barrett also joked recently at the Intel Developer's Forum that thecompany's recent financial performance belies a contention that a monopolyexists, "We've had prodigee undercover iphone x card slot case - gold quarters of flat revenue and earnings," he said, "We'rea pretty crummy monopoly.", Legal experts differ widely on the merits of the case, Sources close to theFTC tend to say that the case has merit, while private defense attorneystend to doubt its potential for success, A complicating factor in the case is that two ofthe three companies allegedly harmed by Intel's conduct are not directcompetitors, but customers, legal analysts have pointed out..
The FTC isalso said to be investigating other business practices of Intel for awider, more far-reaching suit, sources have said. Discovery in the pending case began recently, although no depositions have taken place yet. It is likely, but not clear at this time, whether the delay will extend the discovery period. If so, such a delay could benefit Intel. The chipmaker initially requested a mid-February date for the administrative hearing. FTCprosecutors wanted to start in December. Judge Timoney in July ruled thatthe trial would begin January 5.
Intel is an investor in CNET: The Computer Network, publisher of, The FTC's action against the chip giant has been moved to February 18 to accommodate the judge's schedule, The Federal Trade Commission's antitrust action against Intel has been postponed prodigee undercover iphone x card slot case - gold until the middle of February to accommodate the schedule of the presiding judge, The administrative action will now begin on February 18, according to Chuck Mulloy, an Intel spokesman, Earlier, Judge James Timoney set the trial for a January 5 starting date..
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