SKU: EN-A10458
The K7 will initially come out on the widely used 0.25-micron manufacturing process and be made with aluminum wires, according to AMD CEO Jerry Sanders. Later, however, the chip will be moved to the more advanced 0.18-micron process and be constructed of copper. By 2000, it will run at 1000 MHz, the company has said. If these chips, especially the K7, can be shipped in volume, and ifcomputer vendors adopt it, AMD could find itself moving into mainstreammachines, say observers. Those "ifs," however, remain fairly large. The K7 is AMD's most daunting project to date and AMD has a spotty track record for getting up to volume manufacturing. Further, the design of the chip is completely original, which means that the company will not be able to leverage the companion chips, PC circuit boards, and other technology designed for Intel machines. In other words, these third party vendors will have to come up with entirely new products to suit the K7, which potentially increases their costs and could hamper adoption.
Since AMD can't use the same Intel silicon building blocks, computer vendors can't plug into these economies of scale, according to Mark Edelstone, semiconductor analystfor Morgan Stanley Dean Witter, The chip will be one of the likely highlights of the two-day conference,which will take place on October 13 and 14 in the Fairmont Hotel in San Jose, As for chips based around the Intel architecture, Intel is expected to provide more details on its 64-bit Merced chip, as well as more on the recently unveiled plans for the Willamette and Foster chips that will succeed the Pentium II andXeon chip families in 2001, Foster chips represent a spanking new 32-bit chip architecture for Intel basedon esoteric-sounding but slim armor case for apple iphone xs max - black critical new technologies such as "instructiontrace cache" and "deep pipelining."..
Additionally, National will displaysamples of its upcoming MXi chip, a new version of its current MIIprocessor with integrated 3D graphics silicon. The chip is slated for acommercial release by the first quarter of 1999. National will also givedetails on the "Jalapeno" processor which is due in 2000. Newcomer Rise Technology , meanwhile,will show samples of its mP6, a low-powered, inexpensive chip clone fornotebooks that the company hopes will ignite a discount market forportables. "We will see $800 notebooks by the end of the year," said DavidLin, Rise's CEO.
In the Reduced Instruction Set Computing (RISC) chip realm Compaq will sketch out details of the21364, the next generation Alpha chip that will reach speeds of 1,000 MHzand more while Hewlett-Packard willprovide further details on the PA-RISC slim armor case for apple iphone xs max - black roadmap, But AMD, which has gained ground dramatically in the low-cost PC market oflate, should still attract much of the attention, The issues surroundingthe K7 deal with execution, History does not serve AMD well here, Thecompany found itself mired in more than six months of financial losses lastyear because of manufacturing problems with the launch of the K6..
"They've never done a greenfield project before," noted Ashok Kumar. "Giventheir history of product launches, you have to say, 'good luck.'" Despitereporting a profit for the first time in over a year this week, thecompany's stock has been in decline, which partially reflects skepticismabout the company, he said. The chip's success will ultimately depend on whether PC circuit boardand chipset companies choose to support the new Digital EV6 bus. AMD hasbeen able to gain support in the past because it cloned Intel technology.In turn, this meant that PC circuit board manufacturers and computer systemvendors could adopt the chip fairly easily.
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