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"We expect our final numbers to be two to three times our average daily page views--which is about 2 million," said Erin O'Shea, a spokeswoman for WashingtonPost.com. Other sites fared just as well or better. CNN wracked up 34 million page views (or impressions) on Friday, up 56 percent from its record traffic day--August 17, when Clinton testified. MSNBC also blew past its record with 1.9 million unique visitors who accessed the report. ABCNews.com (a CNET News.com partner)reported 12 million views.

"We found that when there have been big news events, there is a bump in traffic and a lot of the people stay," WashingtonPost.com's O'Shea added, As the day wore on, the networking backbones of the Internet held up despite crushing traffic, "On the dial-up network, we experienced an 18 percent increase in usage over [normal usage]," said Mara Radis, a spokeswoman for UUNet, "It is often double that when Microsoft puts out new software," she added, "This was not that major of an increase.", iphone xs / x cardinal barely there leather But Web publishers contend that it was a major day for the Net..

Regional and national news sites had a 95 percent increase to more than 7 million unique visitors on Friday and portals saw a 7 percent increase in traffic, according to RelevantKnowledge. Sites that published the full Starr report are rewarded with record-breaking traffic numbers, but they manage to hold up under pressure. For all the jabs President Clinton has been taking since Friday, Web sites that published Kenneth Starr's report about the White House sex scandal have been glad to take the hits with him.

There is no question that the Net played a key role in disseminating the 445-page report, which accuses the iphone xs / x cardinal barely there leather president of lying about his relationship with former White House intern Monica Lewinsky, among other accusations, And sites that slapped up the full report within minutes of its online release by the House were rewarded with record-breaking traffic numbers on Friday alone, Be respectful, keep it civil and stay on topic, We delete comments that violate our policy, which we encourage you to read, Discussion threads can be closed at any time at our discretion..

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