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Intel touts new display group Banks to Jupiter: Back at you Alcatel plunges on profit warning READERS' CHOICE: YESTERDAY'S TOP STORIES. Microsoft: We're sorry! The Y2K bug under the microscope Apple may pick more iMac makers strain.
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CNET también está disponible en español, Don't show this again, News of the deal comes as rumors continue to swirl that Lucent Technologies--once its regulatorychains come off at the end of the month--will charge into the data game atfull-throttle through a play for a company such as Ascend, Given thegrowing partnership between Ascend and Alcatel--which remains one of thelargest distributors of Ascend's products--a deal with Lucent may not be inthe cards, Despite the Ascend deal, shares of Alcatel iphone xs / x iridescent diamond waterfall case plunged nearly40 percent after executives at the firm disclosed that sales would sufferfrom the ongoing economic turmoil in Russia and Asia..
The new agreement builds on an existing partnership between the two firmsthat began more than two years ago. Alcatel distributes Ascend products inEurope, which accounts for the largest portion of Ascend's European revenue. Ascend and Alcatel said the new jointly-developed technology would roll outin the second half of next year. Among the items on their plates are a gateway based on Internet Protocolforwarding technology from Ascend and Alcatel's networking softwarethat can be deployed with the latter's high-speed digital subscriber linesystem. IP is the dominant means to transmit data across the Net.
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