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CNET también está disponible en español. Don't show this again. The High-Speed Token Ring Alliance recently announced that interoperability tests between different companies' 100-mbps token ring products has been completed. Products based on the speed jolt in token ring are expected to hit the market in the third quarter. Among the companies championing the new technology are 3Com, Xylan, Madge Networks, and Olicom, among others. Cisco Systems withdrew from the effort. The High-Speed Token Ring Alliancerecently announced that interoperability tests between different companies'100-mbps token ring products has been completed. Products based on thespeed jolt in token ring are expected to hit the market in the thirdquarter. Among the companies championing the new technology are 3Com, Xylan, Madge Networks, and Olicom, among others. Cisco Systems withdrew from the effort.
CNET también está disponible en español, Don't show this again, Waitt's comments reflect changing market opinion about the much-maligned Celeron technology as well as the dilemma Intel confronts in marketing the new chip, Several analysts have previously pointed out this dilemma between the Celeron and the Pentium II, but Waitt is one of the most notable high-tech executives to put his finger on the problem, In a nutshell, the 300-MHz and 333-MHz Celeron chips perform roughly on par with higher-end Pentium II chips running at the same speeds, The bone of contention for users and PC manufacturers alike is that despite this speed equivalence, the price gap between the processors iphone xs / x wallpapers - floral garden is significant..
The 333-MHz Celeron, for instance, sells for around $100 less than its Pentium II counterpart, while the 300-MHz Celeron comes at a $60 discount. During the call, Waitt said that Gateway has been "fighting somewhat of a battle" with Intel over marketing the product. In Waitt's eyes, the chip represents a strong value for consumers. The 333-MHz Celeron, he said, outperforms the 300-MHz Pentium II. Because the chip sells for less than Pentium II 300, however, Intel has been less enthusiastic about putting itsmarketing muscle behind it.
An Intel spokesman disputed Waitt's comments, stating "we have been promoting Celeron quite a bit" with computer vendors, retailers, and customers, "Is it a great processor? Absolutely.", Other sources pointed out that the equivalent Pentium II processors are being phased out by Intel, so little competition between the Pentium II and Celeron lines actually iphone xs / x wallpapers - floral garden exists, In addition, Intel will improve the Pentium II next year by implementing the same changes it just made to the Celeron, The Santa Clara company will also release a series of faster standard Pentium II chips, Currently, the fastest Pentium II runs at 450 MHz..
Nonetheless, Gateway is capitalizing on Intel's apparent ambivalence. The company has taken one of its 300-MHz Pentium II computers and turned it into a 333-MHz Celeron machine, but has not dropped the price. Celeron's history has been colorful. Last fall, Intel announced at its analyst meeting that it would release a chip based arounda Pentium II core to serve the exploding low-end computer market. In April of this year, Intel debuted a 266-MHz Celeron processor, which the company followed with a 300-MHz version.
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