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"We don't want to see a whole patchwork of legislation. We would like tosee uniform laws," Russinoff added. Although the plans may be hard to enforce on a global medium, the state is out in front in trying to legislate Net issues. California lawmakers appear to be leading the way in regulating the Net. Although the plans may be hard to enforce on a global medium, observers say Silicon Valley's home is sending a message to Congress and other states to follow its lead, which could help bolster online usage and e-commerce.
CNET también está disponible en español, Don't show this again, "This [the Rage 128] is ATI's next generation part, It's importantto ATI now that they are in a market leadership position--they need tomaintain their technology leadership to maintain sales," said DeanMcCarron, an analyst with MercuryResearch, After the main microprocessor, graphics chips are the most critical-andmost hotly contested--piece of silicon in personal computers today, Thesechips handle the manipulation of images users see on their computer screensand are increasingly important as 3D games and DVD-ROM-based merry christmas, ya filthy animal – red iphone case applicationsbecome more sophisticated and demanding..
While the main processors in most desktop PCs today can process 32 bits, orpieces, of information at a time, sophisticated graphics processors are nowcrunching 128 bits of data at a time for some functions and are alreadystarting to find their way into new PCs. ATI's new chips are due out in September, which is later than some of itscompetitors. However, most of these chips are arriving on the market toolate to make it into PCs coming out this fall, according to McCarron. ATI has a good chance at maintaining its momentum in the PC market becauseso far, the company has been able to supply chips that perform well enoughst a price that original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) find attractive,McCarron noted.
Currently, the company supplies graphics chips in systems from companiessuch as Compaq, Dell, Gateway, Hewlett-Packard, and Apple, While ATI hasn't always been at the top in terms of performance, they havedemonstrated that companies can become powerhouses by being involved merry christmas, ya filthy animal – red iphone case insetting industry standards, said Jon Peddie, president of Jon Peddie Associates, a graphics marketresearch firm, "Companies can't stay king of the hill very long in this business,unfortunately," Peddie cautions, But his firm's research does currentlyshow them as both the number one chip and graphics add-in card vendor,echoing Mercury Research' findings..
Now, with ATI's Rage 128GL the company will try and use its momentum to powerthe company's first graphics card for the workstation market. Like the game market, competition here is fierce. HP, amongother vendors, recently selected the Matrox G200 for new workstations beingreleased this month. The G200, released in June, topped Mercury Researchtests among available chip earlier this summer. So far, Intel's entrant into the market,the Intel740, has not sold as well as industry analysts anticipated. Sofar, only one major computer vendor, Micron, uses the chip. Intel has beenacquiring, or investing, in a number of third party graphics vendors butwith this new generation of chips, the Intel740 will be further behindthe pack. (Intel is an investor in CNET: The Computer Network.).
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