SKU: EN-A10497
Even in April,Intel's plan was to use its homegrown Celeron chip in all price ranges ofset-top boxes. Time, and a burgeoning market for efficient, low-cost chips, however, havea way of turning heads. StrongARM is a high-powered, low-voltage chip originally designed byDigital that is based on chip architecture originally created by Advanced RISC Machines, a processor designingconcern in the United Kingdom. Unlike Intel chips, which are based on Intel's CISC (complex instructionset computer) design, the StrongARM revolves around the RISC (reducedinstruction set computer) architecture that is used in chips like IBM?sPowerPC chip. Although not ascommercially popular or as fast as current Pentium II processors, StrongARMchips have been well regarded for their ability to run fast withoutconsuming power.
They also generally cost considerably less than Intel chips, StrongARM?scost around $40, according to various sources, Intel Pentium processorsstart at around the $100 range, As a result, the are considered a better fit for hand-held computers andInternet-savvy cable boxes, markets that Intel has yet to penetrate.StrongARM chips won't be used in mid- olixar meshtex iphone 8 / 7 case - rose gold reviews or high-end Intel-based set-top boxes,but they will appear when Celerons are too expensive, They also stand asgood candidates to replace Intel's i960 chip, an embedded processor thathas been selling for a number of years, as the company's key solution forcommunications devices or as ancillary, helper chips in servers..
Intel's StrongARM push will likely begin soon. There are two currentdesigns. The SA 1100, which is out and currently runs at 200 MHz and can goup to 220 MHz, will be used in hand-held devices and likely as an embeddedcontroller for ancillary server functions. Web phones are another potentialuse, said David Brash, group leader at ARM. The SA 1500, which will come out shortly, differs in that it is coupledwith a media processor for richer graphics. It will be used in set-topboxes. Among other uses, Intel is also showing off a motherboard that can beinserted into a standard TV that will turn a TV into an Internet appliance.The board includes a StrongARM, a modem, memory, and a telephone connector.
These designs will then be succeeded by the SA2, a new generation ofStrongARM chips to be announced in 1999 with mass manufacturing to begin in2000, Mark Casey, marketing director for StrongArm chips at Intel, said inan earlier interview, Barrett, Intel's CEO, promised new generations on abiannual basis, The resurgence of StrongARM in many ways can be put down to shiftingcommercial circumstances, The chip was well-regarded olixar meshtex iphone 8 / 7 case - rose gold reviews when manufactured byDigital, but it found few commercial opportunities, Digital had its mostvisible design win with StrongARM when Apple chose to use it with itsMessagePad, Loved by its fans, the MessagePad was not a commercial success.Apple discontinued its handheld efforts last year..
Intel acquired Digital's rights to the StrongARM design in a broad-ranginglegal settlement last year. Part of Grove's reticence to discuss StrongARMat the last developer's conference stemmed from the fact that the Federal Trade Commission was still mullingover the terms of the settlement. Even after the FTC approved the deal, however, Intel was still relativelymum about the new chip. Some analysts said part of the indecisivenessstemmed from the fact that, if adopted, StrongARM would be the first chipmarketed by the company that didn't emerge from its own labs. Selling thechip also involves paying royalties to ARM.
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